École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Mapping Environmental Thresholds

Cycle des Leçons du mardi

mardi 22 octobre 2019
à 14:00

Mapping Environmental Thresholds: Cartography against the object-landscape divide

Lecture of Bárbara Maçães Costa, architect, PhD candidate (EPFL)

Bárbara Maçães Costa holds a diploma in architecture from the University of Porto and a master in drawing from the University of Lisbon. Between 2009 and 2011, she was project architect at the Belgian landscape architecture office Bureau Bas Smets. She is a doctoral candidate and lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Her teaching and research focus on environmental aesthetics and politics in architecture, with an emphasis on cartography as a situated language. She is interested in issues of spatial justice and political ecology, socialist eco-feminism and housing/land rights.

This lecture proposes a method of cartography that troubles the ideal of the autonomous, non-referential object. Mapping buildings as a series of environmental thresholds, cartography becomes as tool to bridge the object-landscape divide and understand architecture as a dialectic of environmental making and unmaking.

Lecture as part of the lecture series « The End of this World » coodinated by Jean-François Blassel and the teachers of the PoCa Post-Carbone.

Free entrance.

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