The Observatoire de la condition suburbaine welcomes doctoral students preparing a thesis in architecture. They are attached to the Ville, Transports, Territoires doctoral school and the Université Paris-Est or the Université Gustave Eiffel.
Doctoral theses prepared at the OCS/AUSser are intended to contribute to the company's main lines of research, while exploring new avenues of inquiry. They are supervised by one of two research professors, Paul Landauer or Sébastien Marot, or are co-supervised with a thesis director from a partner laboratory. In addition to preparing their thesis, doctoral students are involved either in teaching at the school, or in the company that supports their research. They also take part in team activities (research seminars, doctoral days) and are encouraged to present their research in the form of scientific papers and publications. At the end of their studies, PhDs trained at OCS/AUSser are destined to become teacher-researchers, or to take up positions that mobilize their writing and research skills in professional practice.
Theses in progress
Moussa Belkacem | Village displacement in Europe between 1945 and 2045. What relocation options for places threatened with disappearance? | under la direction de Paul Landauer (OCS/AUSser) |
Marion Boisset | La joie de l'inconfort - Représentations du confort et espaces confortés | under les directions de Sébastien Marot et Anna Rosellini (OCS/AUSser) |
Audrey Brantonne | Revitalizing rural towns. La part des formes territoriales, urbaines et architecturales | under les directions de Paul Landauer (OCS/AUSser) & Frédéric Bonnet (UMR Ressources, Ensa Saint-Étienne) |
Emmanuel Breton | An Ordinary Beauty. The legacy of the Smithsons in contemporary British architecture " | under the direction of Paul Landauer & Luc Baboulet (OCS/AUSser). |
Manon Espinasse | From motorway landscapes to the emergence of project territories. Observing, representing, evaluating road territories to drive transitions in Bordeaux's metropolitan entrances | under the direction of Nacima Baron (LVMT) & Éric Alonzo (OCS/AUSser) |
Mariabruna Fabrizi | The construction of imagination | under la direction de Sébastien Marot et Anna Rosellini (OCS/AUSser) |
Laurie Gangarossa | After autobiography. Architects' contemporary literary conversion within their discipline | under la direction de Sébastien Marot (OCS/AUSser) |
Siméon Gonnet | Delenda Carthago Est | under the direction of Paul Landauer and Stéphane Bonzani (UMR Ressources, Ensa Clermont-Ferrand) |
Clara Loukkal | Composer l'espace par le vide | under la direction de Sébastien Marot (OCS/AUSser) |
Isaline Maire | De l'acte de décrire. 3 figures for a reflection on method. - Observing, describing and investigating mutations in the coastal territory between the Camargue and Ventimiglia | under the direction of René Borruey (Inama, Ensa Marseille), Paul Landauer (OCS/AUSser) & Maria Chiara Tosi (IUAV, curriculum Urbanistica) |
Alessandra Miglio | L'habitat paysan à l'épreuve des transitions. A survey of current issues in agricultural housing, unthought of between agri-food reterritorialization and land sobriety | Under the direction of Sébastien Marot (OCS/AUSser) and Coline Perrin (UMR Innovation, INRAE) |
Félicien Pecquet-Caumeil | Risquer d'habiter en terres caribéennes | under la direction de Sébastien Marot (OCS/AUSser) |
Iana Stoyanova | Deconstruct to reconstruct. Les effets de la réutilisation des matériaux sur les pratiques architecturales | under la direction de Paul Landauer (OCS/AUSser) |
Theses defended
Applying for a doctorate
Candidates for enrolment in a doctoral program must hold a Master's degree or equivalent, and should preferably have undergone research training. After having identified and prepared a subject in line with the OCS/AUSser research axes, they should contact one of the two HDR professors likely to direct their thesis, Paul Landauer or Sébastien Marot . Candidates then finalize their thesis project and draw up a financing plan (application for a doctoral contract, doctoral grants and sponsorships, industrial research training agreement, etc.). The project is then presented to the VTT doctoral school's Thesis Committee, which meets between June and November. If the application is accepted, registration for the first year of the doctorate takes place in the autumn.