École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Building engineering course

    New training course in partnership with the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers

    As of the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, the School will enable its undergraduate students to take building engineering courses taught by the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.
    In this way, the school aims to enhance the scientific and technical culture of its students as part of their undergraduate studies at the School of Architecture.

    In parallel with the Bachelor's degree in architecture, students will be able to take modules from the Bachelor's degree in civil engineering during their three-year Bachelor's degree at the School of Architecture, with the Cnam's courses being delivered by distance learning only. Selected students will be accompanied to the Cnam final exam by a teacher. They will be exempted from a course equivalent to 2 Ects each year in the architecture curriculum.

    Open to 12 1st year students.

    After validation of the courses offered by the CNAM, and subject to validation of their Bachelor's degree at the School of Architecture, students wishing to do so can enter the CNAM's L3 program (in parallel or after their architectural studies) and obtain the Civil Engineering Bachelor's degree offered by the CNAM, by validating all the corresponding courses.

    Jean-Marc Weill