École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires


    Recognized for the quality of its training, the specificity of its pedagogy and its scientific activity, the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est is a public institution of higher education and research that places openness to the world at the heart of its school project.
    The school's international strategy is based on four strong axes, which form the basis of its development policy and through which students, researchers and teachers are encouraged to diversify their cultural references, mobility and international cooperation.

    Diversity and openness
    The École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est (Éav&t) allows its students to learn their future profession in contact with teachers with exemplary and diversified international backgrounds. More than half of our tenured and associate professors are of foreign nationality and teach or practice outside our borders. Their experience and knowledge contribute to the excellence of the institution's curricula and inform each of its developments.
    Each year, the Éav&t invites two international experts, practicing architects and researchers, to discover the work of its students. Each semester is the subject of a commented review of the workshops, a "Grand Tour" which gives rise to a report and a debate, thus offering the school's teachers the opportunity to take a step back from their practice, with a view to continuous improvement.
    Finally, in order to facilitate the mobility of students at the École or joining the École, many courses and project workshops have been held in English for several years now, while at the same time the number of international guests invited to juries and conferences at the École has continued to grow. In addition, a foreign professor is invited to join the school for two semesters each year to teach.

    Building strong academic partnerships
    Because their role is crucial to the success of our students, the Éav&t places great importance on the choice of its academic partners, both in the context of Erasmus or non-European mobility and in the context of double degrees and joint training.
    The institutions that host our students on mobility or entrust us with theirs are selected for the relevance of their pedagogical project and their hosting conditions. In conjunction with the School's Pedagogical and Scientific Council, these partnerships are regularly re-evaluated in order to guarantee a quality program, consistent with the specificity of our pedagogical project combining architecture, cities and territories.
    Alongside long-standing partner institutions, the Éav&t has also embarked on the creation of several double degrees and joint programs. These programs, which are accessible to a limited number of students, are designed to enable students to benefit from specialized training with high added value.

    Short international educational collaborations
    In order to contribute to the multiplication of quality international experiences for our students, the Éav&t encourages and develops short collaborations with selected international partners. These intense pedagogical moments can take various forms, whether they take place abroad or are hosted by the School. They aim to place students in new situations that will help them gain in maturity, knowledge and skills, as well as to change their view of the world around them.
    In this way, the School organizes or accompanies, in France and abroad, the participation of its students in workshops, in the conception and realization of exhibitions, in master classes, winter, spring and summer schools, and in immersion or internship programs abroad.

    Research geared towards the international arena
    The School's research laboratory, the Observatoire de la condition suburbaine (OCS), is both a component of the joint research unit AUSser 3329 under the supervision of the CNRS and a research component of the Université Gustave Eiffel, created in 2020, of which the School is a founding member. This dual membership accentuates the international dynamics of the laboratory.
    Its members are very involved and conduct several research projects in partnership with foreign institutions and laboratories. This choice of collaborations is part of a desire to make the activities of our young laboratory known beyond our borders, and at the same time, to conduct research work alongside the best.
    Every year, the OCS also organizes study days and seminars in which renowned researchers and specialists meet, and which are an opportunity to feed the teachings with these contents. All these research activities contribute to the School's international reputation.

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    Erasmus +


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