École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Continuing education

    The School of Architecture offers training courses designed to enable local authorities and professionals in architecture and urban planning to update their skills and adapt to technical, economic and regional changes.

    Choose your course according to your profile, your objectives, your budget and the time you have available.

    The School offers 3 types of training:

    • short courses,
    • long courses, most of which lead to a diploma,
    • à la carte" courses, which allow you to follow certain modules of the longer courses.
    List of short courses
    Cycles and courses duration date(s) target audience
    Accessing the public procurement market
    Win local authority tenders
    4j 28h soon architectes urbanistes paysagistes

    Building with natural materials
    Building with raw earth: resources, materials and construction systems
    1d 7h soon architects
    Building with fibre-reinforced materials: resources, materials and construction systems
    1j 7h soon architectes
    maîtres d'ouvrage

    List of long courses

    Come and acquire new qualifications by following our long courses leading to a diploma, or by training to set up or develop a project management business.

    Formations durée inscriptions public cible
    DSA d'architecte-urbaniste
    18 months 1300h spring architects
    landscape architects
    DPEA Architecture post carbone 1 year 470h spring architects
    Habilitation à la maîtrise d'oeuvre en son nom propre
    1 year 150h spring architects D.E
    Échelle Un, a scheme to support the creation and development of architectural firms
    1 year 137h spring architects
    landscape architects
    urban planners

    List of "à la carte" courses

    If you don't have enough time for our longer courses, choose the topics that interest you to train for a few hours or a few days.
    Two courses offer "à la carte" sessions: the DSA architecte-urbaniste and the Échelle Un scheme (support for the creation and development of project management companies).

    Training courses and modules duration date(s) target audience

    The DSA architecte-urbaniste training courses
    Urban ecology
    2,5j 16h mars architects
    landscape architects
    4,5j 31,5h november architects
    landscape architects
    Landscape and Environment
    3j 21h december architects
    landscape architects
    History and future of territories
    3,5j 24,5h january architects
    landscape architects
    Actors of development and urban economy
    2,5j 16h february architects
    landscape architects

    Les formations de l'incubateur Échelle Un
    Creating and managing a project management company 1day 6h September creators
    and start-ups
    Company financial management 1d 6h October creators
    and young companies
    Building an identity as an architect 1d 6h October designers
    and young companies
    Project management contract 1,5j 9h november designers
    and young companies
    Agency costs and mission evaluation 0.5d 3h November designers
    and young companies
    Press relations 1d 6h January creators
    and young companies
    Strategies for developing your agency 1d 6h February entrepreneurs
    and young companies
    From housing to product, from product to asset 1,5j 9h April/May creators
    and young companies

    New training courses are added to our catalog throughout the year.
    Please consult this page regularly, and contact us if you would like to be notified directly of new training courses, or if you would like to suggest the creation of new ones.

    Register for a training course

    1- send the completed registration form by e-mail.

    2- you will receive a training contract (for individuals) or a professional training agreement (for legal entities), as well as the training rules and regulations.

    3- During the training course, a sign-in sheet will be signed by the trainer and each trainee, enabling attendance, lateness and absences to be monitored and controlled. A learning assessment is carried out to check that objectives have been met.

    4- At the end of the course, each trainee receives a personalized certificate attesting to the completion of the course and the acquisition of skills. If the training course is financed by an OPCO, a certificate of completion will be issued.

    5- At the end of the training course, an invoice will be drawn up.

    6- A satisfaction survey will be sent out in the months following the training course.

    Training obligation for architects

    Since 2017, architects registered with the Ordre have been obliged to take a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education per year (or 60 hours over three years) and declare them on their personal space (Ordre des architectes website). They are broken down as follows:

    14 hours of "structured" training: participation in continuing professional development courses run by accredited training organizations. **All fee-paying training courses offered by the School and listed on this page are "structured" training hours.

    6 hours of "complementary" training: participation in colloquia, congresses, conferences, professional days (MAF), trade show visits, BIM meeting organized by CROA, distance learning (MOOC), training facilitation and HMONP juries. All events related to professional activity.
    Throughout the year, the École offers conferences, round-table discussions and study days open to the public, which can enable you to accumulate "complementary" training hours.
    Find out about upcoming events in l'agenda.

    Financing schemes for continuing education

    For self-employed or managing architects.
    FIF PL
    The Fonds Interprofessionnel de Formation des Professionnels Libéraux (Interprofessional Training Fund for Liberal Professionals) can help liberal professionals pay for their training. As of January 27, 2020, FIF PL is no longer able to cover training topics falling within the scope of the Personal Training Account, the CPF.

    For employees - 3 new schemes
    1- Skills development plan
    Employers must ensure that their employees are properly adapted to their workstations, and maintain their ability to hold their jobs, particularly in light of technological developments. To this end, they must offer employees training as part of the skills development plan (formerly known as the training plan).
    How to finance it
    You must apply to the OPCO to which your employer contributes. OPCOs are responsible for financing apprenticeships, helping branches to develop professional certifications, and assisting SMEs to define their training needs.
    Find all information on.

    2 - The Personal Training Account - CPF (in French)
    You are an employee, a member of a liberal profession or a self-employed person, a collaborating spouse, a temporary self-employed worker or a job seeker.
    Find all information on

    3- Conversion or promotion through Pro-A work-study schemes
    Conversion or promotion through work-study (formerly known as the professionalisation period), also known as Pro-A, is designed to keep the least qualified employees in employment through work-study training.
    Find all information on

    **For public-sector employees
    State and local civil servants: State civil servants (FPE) benefit from an annual credit of professional training hours, known as the Personal Training Account (CPF). These hours can be used at their own initiative. They can be used for training aimed at acquiring a diploma or developing skills as part of a career development project (mobility, promotion, professional retraining).
    Find all information on

    For jobseekers
    You can ask your advisor to grant you an Aide Individuelle à la Formation AIF. AIF applications require the training organization to enter a quote on the Pole emploi portal.

    Summary of different schemes

    Tax credits

    A new tax break will double the amount of the tax credit for 2023 taxation, to make it easier for managers of small businesses (with fewer than 10 employees) to access training opportunities.
    Find out more.

    The tax credit applies to training expenses incurred by a company director that fall within the scope of the provisions on professional training set out in article L.6313-1 of the French Labor Code.
    To find out more


    Financing for architects (French only)
    OPCO EP critères de financement 2023

    Documents to download
    registration form
    general terms and conditions
    internal regulations

    Short course prices
    350 euros net / day

    Long-term training prices
    according to course

    Prices for modules
    à la carte
    DSA : 350 euros net/day
    or 175 euros net per ½ day
    Ladder One: €20 net per hour.