The degree, awarded by an accredited public institution of higher education, confers on its holder the grade and title of doctor. Doctoral training is organized within doctoral schools. The School's laboratory, the Observatoire de la condition suburbaine [OCS], is part of the "Ville, Transports et Territoires" (VTT) doctoral school run by Université Paris-Est, which is unique in that its central themes are cities, transport and territories. The School's doctoral students are therefore hosted by OCS, affiliated to the VTT School and registered with the Comue Université Paris-Est.
Presentation and organization
The three-year doctoral program provides training in and through research, as well as professional research experience. It leads to the production of new knowledge and includes personal research work by the doctoral student.
It is supplemented by additional training validated by the doctoral school. It covers work of scientific, economic, social, technological or cultural interest, and culminates in the award of the national doctorate diploma.
During the preparation of their thesis, doctoral students are fully integrated into the research laboratory to which their thesis supervisor belongs.
To be enrolled in a doctoral program, candidates must hold a national master's degree or another degree conferring the grade of master. They must have identified a thesis director and be able to present a research project. Students preparing a doctorate in architecture register with the Comue Paris-Est and are attached to the "Ville, Transports et Territoires" doctoral school and the "Architecture Urbanisme Société : Savoir Enseignement Recherche" joint research unit (AUSser 3329), under the joint supervision of the CNRS and the French Ministry of Culture.
Contact :
Isaline Maire
In brief
ECTS credits : 420
Duration : 3 years
Level of studies : bac + 8
Studies outline