École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires


    Apprenticeship is now a teaching method at the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est. From the 3rd year of the Bachelor's degree and up to the Architect's diploma, it is possible to follow one's course by dividing one's time between school and company.

    Apprenticeship is coming to architecture schools!
    In 2019, the School of Architecture of the City and Territories of Paris-Est opened the very first apprenticeship training programme in architecture to 3rd year undergraduate students. In 2020, following the success of the first class, it continued the experiment with 1st year Masters students and in 2021 with 2nd year Masters students.

    Presentation and specificities

    At the School, apprenticeship programmes are excellent courses with very sustained work schedules, which enable apprentices to gain maturity, learn to organise their daily tasks and work more effectively on each subject. These courses are in line with the school's pedagogical dynamic, building partnerships and bridges with the professional world. Becoming an apprentice allows architecture students to improve their understanding of the professional world, to finance their studies and to optimise their chances of finding a job that suits their professional aspirations once they graduate.
    For companies, recruiting an apprentice is a way of contributing to the training of tomorrow's professionals.

    Video presentation of the Bachelor and Master in Apprenticeship

    General organisation

    Bachelor 3 & Master 1 & 2 apprenticeship

    • two days per week at the School of Architecture ;
    • three days a week in the company;
    • Duplicated tutorials and lectures dedicated to the apprentices and courses shared with the rest of the class;
    • individual pedagogical and professional follow-up.

    Organisation of teaching
    L3 : teaching of the dedicated architectural project ;
    Master : access to the four streams and courses is the same for students and apprentices.

    Monitoring of apprentices
    educational and schooling aspects : provided by the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires via an academic tutor, a teacher from the establishment ;
    professional component : provided by an apprenticeship master, appointed in the company ;
    contractual part : supported by le centre de formation d'apprentis Descartes (CFA Descartes) via a digital platform.

    For companies
    The only cost incurred is the apprentice's salary. The recruitment of an apprentice allows you to benefit from aid such as a general reduction in contributions on low salaries, aid and support for recruitment and until June 2022, an exceptional aid of 8,000 euros.

    Apprentices of the School of Architecture
    Promotion apprentice
    2021-22 licence year 3
    Alcala Jeanne
    Aroul Arassou Arthy
    Baudet Lou Mai
    Belabre Enora
    Bruni Lou
    Chartan Maroussia
    Ferreira Lisa
    Grzesitchak Pauline
    Guérin Anaïs
    Guitteaud Nicolas
    Jechoux Coralie
    Le Guen Carolane
    Sauvage Charline
    Sengsavanh Tristan
    Sirbu Arthur
    Toulouse Noé
    2021-22 Master 1
    Caillaud Pierre
    Chatelier Solène
    Clement Aurore
    Correia Anthony
    Delacroix Maxime
    Kebli Sofia
    Liotier Jade
    Malfay Marion
    Malivert Flavien
    Meyer Chloé
    Mohammad Afraa
    Mouterde Candice
    Puyo Noemie
    Ruiz Naé
    Sbai Rabiaa
    Schurhoff Gaspard
    Sebastien Lucas
    Uribe Duran Cristina
    2020-21 licence year 3
    Blanc Erwan
    Chatelier Solène
    Clement Aurore
    Correia Anthony
    Courtemanche Pauline
    Curien Gwendal
    Delacroix Maxime
    Dunet Marie
    Kebli Sofia
    Malivert Flavien
    Meyer Chloé
    Mohammad Afraa
    Mouftih Hatim
    Puyo Noemie
    Rabut Gustave
    Sbai Rabiaa
    Sebastien Lucas
    Simunovic Dimitri
    2020-22 master 1 & M 2
    Antoine Doriane Matière à Penser
    Audineau Marine Transformation
    Bernard Elodie Transformation
    Clément Anaëlle Transformation
    Codjia Célia Architecture & Experience
    Colin Justine Fragments
    Convert Agathe Architecture & Experience
    Coutrey Martin Transformation
    Electon Laureen Fragments
    Eugene Axel Architecture & Experience
    Faure Mathilde Matière à Penser
    Florés Thomas Fragments
    Fontaine Guillaume Transformation
    Jellimann Antoine Architecture & Experience
    Lelièvre Maxence Architecture & Experience
    Luis Maxime Matière à Penser
    MichelAugustin Architecture & Experience
    Ortega Benjamin Matière à Penser
    Pasquet Priscillia Fragments
    Robion Pierre Transformation
    Roger Camille Fragments
    Teixeira Doriana Transformation
    Zafiarison Amanda Transformation
    2019-20 licence année 3
    Antoine Doriane
    Audineau Marine
    Bernard Elodie
    Clément Anaëlle
    Colin Justine
    Da Silva Angela
    Electon Laureen
    Eugene Axel
    Ferragu Loïc
    Fontaine Guillaume
    Jellimann Antoine
    Lelièvre Maxence
    Michel Augustin
    Ortega Benjamin
    Rakotomalala Cynthia
    Rebeck Julien
    Sagnard Lucie
    Vaudandaine Pierre
    Vindy-Marcel Simon
    Zafiarison Amanda

    Reception structures
    promotion Reception structures
    2019-2022 Barthélémy & Grino
    2019-2022 AREP
    2019-2022 Ville de Paris
    2019-2022 ADP
    2019-2020 Relier Architecture
    2019-2022 L'AUC
    2019-2022 Citynove
    2019-2022 Mairie de Rosny-sous-Bois
    2019-2022 Rérat Architecture et urbanisme
    2019-2020 Lazo & Mure architectes associés
    2019-2020 Jean-Philippe Thomas Architectes
    2019-2021 I+A Laboratoire des structures
    2019-2020 Atelier de l'Ourcq
    2019-2020 Agence Rizzotti architecte
    2020-2021 Agence d'Architecture Suzelbrout
    2020-2021 Atelier A+I
    2020-2021 Atelier Georges
    2020-2021 Anne Carcelen
    2020-2021 C&E Ingénierie des structures
    2020-2021 Cabinet Silvio D'Ascia Architecture
    2020-2021 DVVD Architectes
    2020-2021 EXP Architectes
    2020-2021 KOKO Architecture
    2020-2021 Inessa Hansch Architecte
    2020-2021 Sarl Les Marneurs
    2020-2021 Quintet Architecture Urbanisme
    2020-2021 Jean-Christophe Quinton Architecte
    2020-2021 Villemard Associés
    2020-2021 Viet le Trong architecte
    2020-2022 ADRC - agence pour le développement régional du cinéma
    2020-2022 Ateliers Lion Associés
    2020-2022 Belval & Parquet Architectes SAS
    2020-2022 Bruther
    2020-2022 DATA
    2020-2022 Eliet & Lehmann
    2020-2022 MU Architecture
    2020-2022 Oyapock Architectes
    2020-2022 TVK architectes urbanistes

    Genesis and partners of the training

    The École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires was asked by the Ministry of Culture to study the feasibility and relevance of setting up an apprenticeship training programme. Within the framework of dense and demanding architectural studies, it was necessary to offer a supervised professional experience, without altering the quality of the teaching or increasing the duration of the training. The School of Architecture chose to launch this excellent teaching in the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree, accompanying 20 students selected on the basis of their applications, and then opening up the master's degree courses to apprenticeship to enable students to continue their studies in the same way until they obtain their State Architectural Diploma.

    Thanks to the support of the Commission paritaire pour l'emploi et la formation professionnelle de la Branche Architecture, the Syndicat de l'Architecture, the Union nationale des syndicats français des architectes, the Conseil national de l'ordre des Architectes and several architectural agencies, the School has obtained the authorisation of the Île-de-France region to open an apprenticeship course.

    Administrative steering
    Nathalie Guerrois
    Scientific steering
    Claire Minart

    For more information...

    Company space
    Recruit an apprentice
    company flyer

    For the recruitment of apprentices in bachelor's or master's degrees, exceptional aid of €8,000 can be paid to companies that draw up a contract before June 2022. The aid is extended until June 2022.
    Read more
    grants and salaries simulator
    compensation simulator

    Apprentice area
    student flyer
    apprentice guide 21-22
    calendar 21-22 licence
    calendar 21-22 master

    . funding for the B driving licence
    . aid for people with disabilities
    . activity allowance

    See the FAQ

    alternation portal

    Contractual relationship with companies
    CFA Descartes


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