École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Réseau Espace Rural Projet Spatial

    The Espace Rural Projet Spatial (ERPS) network raises questions. This interdisciplinary and interprofessional group of teachers, researchers and practitioners began by noting the overly urban-centric nature of spatial thinking and action, and of the teaching of architectural and urban planning projects. It aims to develop the possibilities of a dialectical relationship between urban and rural spaces, and pursues the hypothesis of the need for a turning point in approaches to spatial design, and a re-evaluation of a set of postulates on which design pedagogy is based. For its next meetings, to be held at Ensa Paris-Est in spring 2024, the network intends to explore the theme of agriculture.

    Le réseau Espace Rural Projet Spatial
    An interdisciplinary and interprofessional network
    Initiated in 2009 at the Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Saint-Etienne by Xavier Guillot (currently a professor at the Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux), the ERPS network's scientific project was based on the reflections of three founding symposia held in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in the Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne regions.
    These three scientific meetings gave rise to the first three volumes of the Espace Rural & Projet Spatial collection, published by Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne in 2010, 2011, 2012.
    Following these meetings, the development of "hors les murs" project workshops and the organization of new meetings by other architecture schools (Nancy in 2012, Clermont Ferrand in 2013, Rouen in 2014, Grenoble in 2015, Bordeaux 2017) have strengthened its role to date in the national and European scientific debate.
    Since January 2015, the ERPS network has been accredited as a "Scientific and Thematic Network" by the Bureau de la Recherche Architecturale, Urbaine et Paysagère (BRAUP).
    In 2015, the network set up a decentralized doctoral platform in the territories. The first stage in building this platform was developed in partnership with Grenoble's Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture and UMR PACTE / IGA Grenoble as part of the Sciences de l'homme, du Politique et du Territoire doctoral school (ED 454).
    The scientific partner members of the ERPS network today include the following establishments: Ensap Bordeaux, Ensa Clermont-Ferrand, Ensa Grenoble, Ensa Lyon, Ensa Nancy, Ensa Paris La-Villette, Ensa Sainte-Étienne, Ensp de Versailles, École nationale supérieure d'agronomie AgroParisTech de Clermont-Ferrand, Ensa Bretagne and Ensa Paris-Est.

    The scientific project
    At the heart of the scientific project carried out by the members of the ERPS network lies a fundamental common objective: to renew the knowledge and teaching practices of project design in rural territories, taking into account the spatial and societal transformations that have marked the urbanization process of the last thirty years, in France and in the majority of European countries.
    Achieving this objective has led us to engage in critical work on the dominant frameworks of thought that govern project practices and its teaching, leading us to opt for the following postures and actions:
    - deal with rural space from a perspective of transformation on a territorial scale, placing its dynamics in a logic of complementarity with the city and urban issues;
    - approach the architectural, territorial and landscape project by integrating the interdisciplinarity of knowledge conducive to illuminating the complexity of the status of contemporary rurality;
    - take into account the diversity of issues specific to agro-ecological, energy, social and economic transitions, as a prerequisite to the elaboration of the spatial project ;
    - engage in co-construction work with local players and optimize fieldwork through "off-site" and transdisciplinary educational workshops;
    - promote the social role of the practicing architect and the emergence of new forms of professional practice;
    - produce knowledge based on "research in project situations";
    - build a doctoral-level training dynamic by setting up a decentralized inter-institutional teaching platform.

    find out more about the ERPS network →

    **ERPS 2024 network meetings
    at the École d'architecture de la ville & territoire Paris-Est***.
    Les responsables du réseau ERPS de l'Ensa Paris-est
    - Mathieu Delorme
    ingénieur-paysagiste, chercheur associé au laboratoire OCS/AUSser et maître de conférences à l'Ensa Paris-Est
    - Sébastien Marot
    environmental historian and philosopher, HDR, researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est
    - Frédérique Mocquet
    architect and PhD in architecture, researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est
    Two preparatory meetings for the 2024 symposium
    In charge of organizing the network's next meetings, the School's referents wish to explore the theme of agriculture: Catalyzing worlds: towards a deeper understanding of the territories of agriculture.
    La journée d'étude du 18 novembre 2022 à l'Ensa Paris-Est
    Catalyser des mondes
    Four collectives presented their prospective reflections (Paysages de l'Après-Pétrole, l'Atelier Paysan, Réseau pour des Alternatives Forestières, les Greniers d'Abondance). These reflections were discussed to reveal the difficulties, challenges and prospects of associating agriculture and architecture, based on the shared premise of agriculture's central role in deepening territories. A podcast was produced by Crys Aslanian, a doctoral student in musicology at Gustave Eiffel University.
    listen to podcasts →
    La journée d'étude du 27 avril 2023 à Marseille
    Conceiving other worlds
    In addition to a shared diagnosis, the discussions highlighted cross-cutting themes that will be the - non-exclusive - focus of the symposium's call for papers:
    1. Agriculture as a vector for regional living
    2. The transformation of professions and pedagogies
    3. The legacy and reappropriation of the "negative commons"
    find out more →
    Expected contributions and format of the Spring 2024 symposium
    The symposium will take place in Seine-et-Marne, at the Paris-Est School of Architecture, City and Territories, as well as at various sites to be visited. The inaugural conference will be held at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris. The event will take place in a variety of formats, combining lectures, plenary sessions and round-table discussions at the School of Architecture, with visits to operations and initiatives.

    These meetings are open to a variety of audiences. Researchers from the fields of architecture, urban planning and landscape design, as well as agronomy, political science and other disciplines (both established and doctoral students) are invited. Local players, whatever their field of expertise and action, will also be represented in the discussions. The colloquium aims to bring together knowledge, expertise and, above all, experience around the common issue of agriculture, and will welcome dialogue between different professional backgrounds.

    A call for papers is being organized.
    Proposals should be sent by October 15, 2023 to this address.
    learn more about the call for papers →


    **Network members for Éav&t Paris-Est** (in French) Mathieu Delorme Sébastien Marot Frédérique Mocquet

    write to us

    Preparatory days
    Catalyzing worlds
    Designing other worlds

    Call for papers
    Deadline: November 12, 2023

    Geoffroy Mathieu - Fields of the Moret farm, Le Plessis-Gassot, April 2021