École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Administrative team

    The administrative and technical teams of the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires.

    Email addresses are composed of firstname.lastname, followed by @paris-est.archi.fr
    For security and spam reasons, these addresses are not displayed in clear text.
    To reach your correspondent, dial 01 60 95 followed by his or her extension number.

    Direction post email
    Director Amina Sellali 84.10 amina.sellali
    Assistant to the Director Maïwenn Dubois 84.10 maiwenn.dubois
    Policy Officers
    DPEA Architecture Post-Carbone Gabriela Audi 84.43 gabriela.audi
    Accounting agency
    Accounting officer Pascal Aucouturier 84.15 pascal.aucouturier
    Accounting officer Ouiza Fezzani 84.04 ouiza.fezzani
    Recherche, OCS
    Director of the OCS Paul Landauer 84.10 paul.landauer
    General Secretariat
    Secretary General Sophie Perdrial 84.11 sophie.perdrial
    Teaching aids and spaces Lucas Crosson 84.00 lucas.crosson
    Internal Service Benaïssa Farid 84.06 benaissa.farid
    Reprographics, Acmo Géraldine Arends 84.40 geraldine.arends
    Model workshop Benjamin Giraudon 84.52 benjamin.giraudon
    Development and Partnership Officer Isabelle Calvi 84.17 isabelle.calvi
    Human Resources Department
    Local management - secretariat of the bodies Nadine Decuyper 84.12 nadine.decuyper
    Financial Resources Unit
    Head (Deputy Secretary General) Franck Provitolo 84.34 franck.provitolo
    Financial resources Nicole Da Mota 84.07 nicole.damota
    Financial management and payroll Djamila Chelli-Mezianilli 84.09 djamila.chelli
    Financial management and payroll Angélica Ferreira 84.24 angelica.ferreira
    IT division
    Vincent Ravoson 84.39 vincent.ravoson
    Mustapha Elkhider 84.62 mustapha.elkhider
    Department of studies and schooling
    Head of Department Estefania Nuchera 84.23 estefania.nuchera
    1st cycle Héléna Antablian 84.27 helena.antablian
    Cédric Lucchini 84.63 cedric.lucchini
    2nd cycle and HMONP (adjointe cheffe du département) Sylvie Faye 84.66 sylvie.faye
    Isabelle Joyeux 84.68 isabelle.joyeux
    3rd cycle Patricia Coudert 84.28 patricia.coudert
    Strategic Steering Department
    Head of Department Claire Minart 84.42 claire.minart
    Educational coordinator (assistant to the head of department) Inbal Bismuth Haddad 84.22 inbal.bismuthhaddad
    Head of Continuing Education and Digital Nathalie Guerrois 84.31 nathalie.guerrois
    Communication department
    Communication Manager N. N. 84.05
    Communication Officer Sylvain Facompré 84.08 sylvain.facompre
    Webmaster Sandrine Boutersky 84.18 sandrine.boutersky
    Library division
    Head of Library Estelle Dietrich 84.03 estelle.dietrich
    Documentary Studies Officer Véronique Dignac 84.37 veronique.dignac
    Documentary Studies Officer Nathalie Polge 84.26 nathalie.polge

    Documents to download

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