École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Equality and Diversity

    The School has noted a significant imbalance: women are in the majority in the administrative and student body but clearly under-represented in the teaching body where they represented only 20% of the full professor-researchers in 2017/2018. To remedy these imbalances and take this issue into account, the School adopted a charter for Equality and against discrimination on 13 September 2018. In 2021, the School will continue its commitment by adopting its professional equality plan between women and men.

    The charter for equality and against discrimination
    The objectives of this charter are to achieve parity in decision-making and consultative bodies, to promote professional equality among staff and in teaching and content.
    On the student side, the charter aims to promote equity in students' career paths and to support the prevention of and fight against gender-based violence and sexual and moral harassment. In order to carry out this project, the application of the charter for equality and against discrimination is monitored. An annual report to the Board of Directors gives an account of the application of the measures planned and sets new objectives.

    The Plan for Professional Equality between Men and Women
    Professional equality between women and men is an essential issue for our society. The 2021-24 professional equality action plan implemented by the school follows on from the Equality Charter ratified in September 2018.
    It represents a new stage with more limited issues. Indeed, gender inequalities have multifactorial causes, and there is no single solution that would resolve them. We therefore propose to put in place concrete actions, at several levels and with synergies between them, in order to accelerate the process and to deal with the subject within the institution. Our objective is for all staff to take ownership of this issue and to contribute to advancing the cause of professional equality. This is an essential dimension for the successful implementation of this action plan.

    Equality and Diversity Committee
    Meetings of the Equality and Diversity Committee are held 2 to 3 times a year, made up of the sentinels and people interested in the subject. This working group proposes a programme of prioritised actions, the indicators are defined and then presented annually to the Board of Directors.

    Training to combat gender-based and sexual violence
    In view of the deteriorating situation in the Schools of Art and Architecture on the subject of gender-based and sexual violence, the Ministry of Culture has committed each School to training its administrative, teaching and student staff.
    The "fight against gender-based and sexual violence" training courses were taken by Bachelor's and Master's students at the end of the first semester of 2019/2020 and will be continued in 2020/2021 by distance learning courses for teaching, administrative and technical staff, as well as for first-year students. This ongoing training for all new members of the school will continue next year.

    Preventing and acting against gender-based and sexual violence
    The Ministry of Culture has produced a guide for the student community on how to prevent and act against gender-based and sexual violence. In this guide you will find all the information you need to identify reprehensible acts and know how to act as a victim or witness. You will also find all the tools made available by the Ministry, as well as the guides for the change of gender identity, and the fight against racism and anti-Semitism.

    Reporting system

    You are a victim, a witness, or have had knowledge of :
    . sexist behaviour,
    . harassment
    . sexual assault
    . rape,
    . discrimination based on :
    real or supposed membership of a so-called race or ethnic group
    actual or assumed sexual or gender identity
    a disability,
    a supposed social origin,
    . intimidation,
    . physical attacks.

    Do not remain alone, alert the Equality and Diversity Officer or one of the school's sentinels (these are students, teachers and administrators of the school), who are in direct contact with her. We are here to help you.

    Equality and Diversity Officer :

    Contact Function Telephone Email
    Maïwenn Dubois Assistant to the Director 01 60 95 84 10 Maïwenn Dubois

    The Ministry of Culture's alert unit
    You can also contact a psychologist at Cellule de signalement.
    For more information, log on to the École intranet.

    Exchanges are protected by professional secrecy, anonymous to the School and confidential. Specialized psychologists will support you during telephone sessions. The School may only be contacted by the cell with your consent.

    Filing a complaint

    If you are a victim of violence, you can file a complaint at the nearest police station or gendarmerie, or send a letter to the Public Prosecutor, by registered mail to the judicial court attached to the place of the facts.

    A police officer does not have the right to refuse your complaint (Article 15-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

    Useful resources and links

    . Governmental website "Arrêtons les violences" : Website

    Or by phone at 3919 - "Violence Femme Info" - free, anonymous and not on the phone bill.

    Associations working to prevent and combat sexist and sexual violence: Website

    . Website of the Defender of Rights: Website

    Or by telephone on 09 69 39 00 00

    . Website of the AVFT, European Association against Violence against Women at Work:: Website

    . Website of Clashes,, Collectif de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recheche : Website

    . Website of the women's foundation, STANDUP against street harassment: Website

    . La Nightline Paris, listening unit run by volunteer students from 9pm to 2.30am, 01 88 32 13 32

    . SOSHomophobie, anonymous helpline and Chat'helpline : Website

    . En Avant toutes : Online chat for victims of violence : Website

    . Safe Place is a platform that gives a voice to women and individuals LGBTQ+ : Website

    Pour recevoir les communiqués de presse merci de contacter le service communication ou de renseigner votre adresse mail