Colearning space
The School has a collaborative workspace. The digital co-learning workshop is dedicated to experimentation and aims at teaching digital technology through a common appropriation of knowledge.
A printing room with tracers and copiers is also available to students.
Each student has a unique card allowing him/her to access all the school’s computer resources (Wi-Fi, network, printing, etc.).
Students also have access to A0 and A3 scanners. In addition, the School is part of the metropolitan network of usage project (Remus) between the various institutions of the Comue Université Paris-Est.
This network allows the institutions to benefit from a connection to Renater, a national infrastructure, and from high-speed international links. The IT department is currently managed by two people.
Self-service machines (plotters, copiers, staplers and cutters) are available to students in the digital co-learning area. Printing is invoiced automatically and payment is made by means of the student card.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Vincent Ravoson
Tél. +33 (0)1 60 95 84 39
Mustapha Elkhider
Tél. +33 (0)1 60 95 84 62