École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Social openness

    The École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires attaches great importance to the diversity of students who choose to study architecture. This is why it is strongly involved in educational actions on a national scale such as the "cordées de la réussite" or the "equal opportunities in architecture schools" programme.

    Architectural creation is nourished by the needs and uses of populations, cultures and their modes of expression. Diversity in schools of architecture is therefore a real challenge, both for bringing architects and users closer together and for renewing ideas.

    The School of Architecture strives to diversify the origins of its students. For several years, it has taken steps to allow candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter the school, under the same selection conditions as other candidates. This point is important, because it is not a question of implying that the level of recruitment would be lowered as a result, but rather of helping these young talents to find their way and then, if necessary, providing them with the support they need to overcome their difficulties through tutoring.

    With 28,5% of students receiving grants, the School of Architecture shows that architecture can be open to diversity. It continues its efforts to ensure that equal opportunities in this field are not just a utopia, but a reality.

    Equal opportunities

    Since 2009, the School of Architecture has been participating in the Equal Opportunity programme, supported by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and the Culture and la fondation culture et diversité...
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    Cordées de la réussite

    Launched in 2008 as part of the Espoir banlieues initiative, Cordées de la réussite aims to promote fairer access to post-baccalaureate training, giving students a new perspective on higher education, training and the profession of architect, and inspiring them to embark on studies that are all too often considered inaccessible. They also aim to arouse curiosity and sharpen students' civic awareness of their city.

    The École d'architecture has been the head of the Álvaro Siza Cordée since 2011, with partner schools including Noisiel :
    Collège Le Luzard in Noisiel, Lycée Simone Veil in Noisiel, Collège Armand Lanoux in Champs-sur-Marne and Collège Pablo Picasso in Champs-sur-Marne.
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    Ekko Archi

    Launched in 2023 by the school, in partnership with the DRAC, Ekko Archi is an educational project for secondary school pupils in the Paris region to discover architecture. Through visits to sites, buildings and exhibitions, meetings with professionals and practical work sessions, schoolchildren discover how architecture has an impact on their daily lives, sometimes in unexpected ways.
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    Pedagogical tutorials

    In parallel with these social outreach programmes, the School has developed an active policy to help students succeed. Several tutorials and monitorships have been set up and are redesigned each year in order to better support students in the acquisition of a core of fundamental skills and knowledge.
    They are divided into several areas:

    . the project, which accounts for 50% of architectural studies;
    . writing skills;
    . grammar and spelling;
    . physics and geometry.