École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires


    The École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires is a member of the Pépite 3EF (student cluster for innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship) commitment committee for the eastern Paris region. The national student-entrepreneur status (SNEE) is aimed at students and young graduates with a realistic and motivated entrepreneurial project.

    This status entitles you to :

    • a dedicated Pépite advisor at the École ;
    • support from a teaching tutor and a professional tutor;
    • networking with the entrepreneurial ecosystem (structures dedicated to business creation, platforms such as Entr'up and coworking spaces);
    • training and dedicated resources;
    • support and search for financing (CAPE).
    • student social security up to age 28, social grants and Pôle Emploi benefits as part of an accepted training plan.
    • a reduction in charges thanks to the "aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise" (ACCRE), up to the age of 26.

    Schooling arrangements
    For students in the course of their studies, the status allows them to substitute one or more compulsory internships for their entrepreneurial project. A training protocol sets out the timetable arrangements and any exemptions granted (teaching, internships).

    Graduates of the program can obtain a student-entrepreneur diploma (D2E).

    Projects supported or in progress

    The project of Calliste Domont is a highly innovative, declared video brand. With STSY Film, he attempts to bring the graphic, aesthetic and narrative codes of cinema to more common content (institutional, sports, etc.). As part of this activity, Calliste Domont has directed several productions for world-class athletes and models, as well as recent institutional videos for the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Université Paris 8 and Ensa Paris-Est.

    Lisa Subileau's project Lisa Subileau consists in creating activities in the field of illustration. Designed as a mediation tool, the Ville.détails project aims to transmit urban and architectural knowledge to a wide audience in a playful way. Thinking about the city of tomorrow with the people who live in it every day is one of its main motivations. The illustration also aims to re-enchant urbanism through the lightness of drawing, which opens up possibilities and plunges us into a more familiar world.

    TM architecture
    TM Architecture is a micro-company specializing in the projection of drawings. The aim of Tyfenn Maxime is to offer customized architectural solutions adapted to the specific needs of its customers: private individuals, professionals, architectural agencies and real estate agencies. TM Architecture's work ranges from site rehabilitation with immersive 3D model projection to imaginary projects presenting different plans and design proposals, which then have to be validated by experts.

    WiiN is an online platform providing students and young professionals with access to international content on competitions, challenges and calls for projects. The project was initiated by two architecture students: Tristan Legrand, a Master 2 student in the Matière à Penser program at the École, and Andrea Goudal, a student at Ensa Paris-Belleville. This project was also shortlisted for the Pépite 2017 prize.

    TEKASA'I addresses the problem of climate refugees fleeing their lands threatened by flooding. The project is led by Loïs Tavernier, a Master 1 student in the Matière à penser stream, and Daniel Emanuel Pop, also a Master 1 student in the Transformation stream. TEKASA'I has been the subject of several awards: 2017, Graduated with Coup de cœur and congratulations from the jury at the design school, STRATE as well as winner of the Atelier Pras internal competition. 2018, Étoile jeune talent de l'Observeur du Design, then Coup de cœur Architecture and problematique de la montées des océans prize in the Fondation Jacques Rougerie international competition.

    Salacia is a brand of environmentally and humanly responsible clothing. The project is the brainchild of Tanguy Grall, a student at our school in his 1st year of a bachelor's degree, and Pierre Many, a student at IAE Lyon's master's degree in business management. The project was launched through crowdfunding, which enabled us to build up a stock of clothing that will go on sale in 2021.


    Candidates must visit the PEPITE 3EF website and complete the online application form. After examination, the status is granted by the commitment committee for one year (academic year) and can be renewed after re-examination of the application. There is no registration fee for national student-entrepreneur status. Only registration for the D2E (diplôme d'établissement étudiant-entrepreneur) is subject to a fee, limited to 500 euros for those under 28.

    Plant Manager
    Tania Crosson

    Pépite France

    National student-entrepreneur status!

    You can find useful information on the status here