HMONP (Habilitation à exercer la maîtrise d'œuvre en son nom propre), a qualification specific to French law, enables its holders to use the title of architect by registering with the Ordre, and to practice project management within the framework provided by the law of January 3, 1977. Accreditation can be obtained as part of initial or continuing training.
The HMONP enables its holders to assume the personal responsibilities stipulated in articles 3 and 10 of the aforementioned law of January 3, 1977 1 . HMONP training aims to enable ADEs to acquire, deepen or update their knowledge in three specific areas:
- the personal responsibilities of the project manager: setting up and managing architectural firms, ethical principles, negotiating the assignment (contract, insurance, etc.), relations with partners (co-contracting, etc.), site management and monitoring techniques;
- project economics: determining the target cost, links with other players (economists, technical design offices, contractors, etc.);
- regulations, construction standards, practices...
Habilitation to practice project management in one's own name is granted by the director of the establishment on behalf of the State, after 60 European credits have been obtained.
Special features
Courses are taught in five thematic sessions spread over five weeks of the year:
- Agency organization and management
one week in September ; - Architect's responsibility ;
one week in September ; - Standards and regulations: context and subjects for innovation ;
one week in November; - Architectural and urban project management: project economics and the interplay of players;
one week in March; - Construction site: challenges, organization, management, distribution of roles
one week in April.
During each thematic session, workshops are organized in the form of round tables, practical work, case studies, etc. External visits can be arranged (architectural agencies, Ordre des Architectes, etc.).
To enroll and follow the thematic sessions, benefit from personalized supervision for the preparation of the professional thesis and be eligible for the oral defense, candidates must have an approved work placement or be covered by the validation of prior learning procedure.
The worksite
The École wishes to emphasize the need to discover the reality of building sites at different scales and stages of progress.
HMONP training includes and combines :
- 150 hours of theoretical, practical and technical training, delivered in five thematic sessions at the School (30 ECTS);
- a six-month full-time equivalent supervised work placement (excluding teaching weeks) in the architectural and urban project management sectors, with the production of a written dissertation and an oral presentation to a jury (30 ECTS).
Admission requirements :
To be a holder of the architectes diplômés d'état (ADE) or equivalent 2 or justifying a foreign diploma that has been recognized by the Ministry of Culture,
- or the MSP approved by the training managers and supervised by a tutor registered with the Order of Architects
- or via the procédure de validation des acquis (VA)3 . The HMONP is also open to continuing professional education: candidates must be employed prior to registration.
- initial training: 630 euros
- continuing education: 1,372.50 euros (including tax) (for agencies, this amount is fully covered by their OPCO). The training course is referenced by other organizations (Pôle emploi...).
In brief
ECTS credits: 60
Duration: 1 year
Level of studies: bac+6
Isabelle Biro and Jean-Thibaut Bernard, architects DPLG
Initial training
Stacy Saillard
Tel. +33 (0)1 60 95 84 68
Documents to download
student flyer
by February 2025
link here
HMONP study booklet
important dates
- Loi n° 77-2 du 3 janvier 1977 sur l'architecture ↩
- en application de la directive du 10 juin 1985 susvisée ou du décret du 16 janvier 1978 susvisé ↩
- 2 years' professional experience in one or more architectural and urban project management structures, under the responsibility of a senior architect registered with the Ordre ↩