École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Development players and the urban economy

    Thematic session:
    DSA architecture with a specialization in urban design

    coordinated by
    Gwenaëlle d'Aboville, urban planner and Julien Leriche, National Development Director, Quartus Group.

    Financial constraints, marketing uncertainties, difficult land conditions, pollution control, work in an inhabited environment... checking the economic feasibility of a project can no longer follow the design process. It must be fully integrated, negotiated at every stage. Far from marginalizing the urban designer, this challenge places him at the heart of urban project management.

    This week, devoted to operational urban planning and the economic dimension of development, aims to explain the mechanics of the project, carried out by a network of players, thanks to a procedure and funding, and ultimately addressed to users. During the week, knowledge will be passed on about the responsibilities of the various players, the types of procedures that can be mobilized and the associated financing. Encounters with a number of project owners will enable us to distinguish between different types of project, and to practice deciphering project contexts and configurations in order to understand the scope of design practice.


    • presentation of the main players in the real estate chain (local authorities, developers, investors, residents, users)
    • presentation of the balance sheet chain (planner, developer, investor)
    • analysis of the levers for optimizing an urban development project: urban form, land, parking, pollution control, phasing, overall cost, etc.
    • presentation of new operational and financial practices in urban development
    • illustration of partnership approaches by pair of players (developer-promoter, developer-investor, etc.), but also within the framework of an overall urban project (process management by the urban designer)
    • understanding of local finance

    Target audience
    The week is open to all urban and regional players wishing to improve their skills in the economic implementation of design projects.
    Basic knowledge of urban project design.


    Training sessions Speaker(s)

    Teaching methods
    Training is given face-to-face on the company's premises.

    Training location
    École d'architecture de la Ville & des Territoires
    registered under n° 11770592677
    (this registration does not imply state approval)

    Contact and registration

    Documents to download

    350 euros net / day
    or 175 euros net per ½ day