Landscape and environment
Landscape and environment: a theoretical overview coordinated by
Sébastien Marot, philosopher, permanent researcher at the Observatoire de la condition sub-urbaine (OCS).
The rise of environmental concerns and the explosion in the scales of territorial reflection and projects are calling into question tools, methods, references and even the very notion of urban planning. To address these concerns, and to contribute to their solution or elucidation, project disciplines, and architecture in particular, are simultaneously forced to open up (to new questions, new issues, new practices and synergies) and to introspect (to look to their own traditions for elements of jurisprudence likely to help them envisage these new questions or new problems). To put it more simply: the contemporary environmental crisis or disarray is putting architecture on the spot, and forcing it to undergo a theoretical renovation or rebirth that makes it explicit as an art of the environment.
The aim of this week's event is to take stock of the paths and directions in which this renovation is seeking and taking place today. Speakers will include landscape architects, urban planners, architects, theorists and others.
- To question the relevance of the "large scale", landscape or territory, in tackling the problems of urban planning today.
- Measuring how environmental issues are changing the stakes, methods and tools of urban planning. Does this change the dialectic between architecture and urban planning?
- Question the ambition of architecture and urban planning to produce diversity, variety and identity.
- Analyze the theoretical fields or frameworks emerging from the city or metropolis, and assess their relevance to the urban planning project.
- Question "over-regulation" or, on the contrary, deregulation as responses to the current problems of cities, landscapes and territories, and revisit the traditions and jurisprudence of our disciplines to find new models or references.
- Explore other disciplines, knowledge or theories, partners or interlocutors likely to enrich the project.
Target audience
Managers and employees of architectural, landscape or urban planning firms, technical service managers and technicians of local authorities, employees of public planning establishments, urban and territorial engineering specialists, sustainable development officers and project management employees.
None required.
Training sessions | Speaker(s) |
Teaching methods
Training is given face-to-face on the company's premises.
Training location
École d'architecture de la Ville & des Territoires
registered under n° 11770592677
(this registration does not imply state approval)
Contact and registration
Documents to download
350 euros net / day
or 175 euros net per ½ day