École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Tuesday lessons

Renewed Histories

Du Tuesday 1 March 2022 à 13:15
au Tuesday 10 May 2022
Lecture series
sur Zoom

Series of lectures coordinated by Paul Bouet, Fanny Lopez and Frédérique Mocquet

This series of lectures aims at exploring how the grand narratives of architectural history are challenged by current concerns raised by colonial and postcolonial studies, gender studies, and the environmental humanities. We invite those, at the intersection of these approaches, to question history’s objects and actors, its main topics and issues, its usual periodization and geographical areas. By renewing the canonical interpretations foundational to our discipline, we can begin to imagine narratives which are more complex and situated, emancipating and plural, and each with the capacity to shed light on our present time.

From the Enlightenment to the present, the speakers will examine discourses which have impacted the very form of architecture, analysing the racial considerations that underlie the theory of styles, or investigating the role French and German colonizations in Africa played in the emergence of modern architecture. The relationship between modernism, feminism and environmentalism will also be questioned through women architects and planners such as Sibyl Moholy-Nagy or Jaqueline Tyrwhitt, whose humanist, vernacular and bioregional conceptions offer counterpoints to the dominant vision of the postwar period. The environmental predicament will be historicized by showing how it underlies Western architecture and urbanism, including in colonial and postcolonial contexts. These talks, given by prominent historians, will contribute to renewing the histories and theories of architecture that we are writing and teaching.

Semester programme

Tuesday 1 March
The Nature of Organic Nationalism: A Revisionist History of Euro-American Architecture Theory
Charles L. Davis II, associate professor of architectural history and criticism, University of Buffalo
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 8 mars
Déconstruire le genre des pensées, normes et pratiques de l'urbanisme
Lucile Biarrotte, PhD in urban studies, consulting director at TraitClair
Tuesday 15 mars
Architecture toxique au Sahara
Samia Henni, assistant professor of history of architecture and urban development, Cornell University
zoom link
Tuesday 22 mars
Sibyl Moholy-Nagy and the Vicissitudes of Modern Architecture
Hilde Heynen, professor of architectural theory, University of Leuven
zoom link
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 29 mars
Jaqueline Tyrwhitt and East West Dialogue on Urban Planning and Design
Ellen Shoshkes, adjunct associate professor, Portland State University
zoom link
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 5 avril
Architecture and the Afterlives of Environmental Determinism
Kenny Cupers, professor, University of Basel
zoom link
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 12 avril
Reciprocal Landscapes: Stories of Material Movements
Jane Mah Hutton, associate professor, University of Waterloo
zoom link
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 19 avril
Madelon Vriesendorp ou l’inconscient de l’Office for Metropolitan Architecture
Anna Rosellini associate professor, University of Bologne and École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est, Université Gustave Eiffel
zoom link
Tuesday 26 avril
Thermal Governance: Air-conditioning Complexes and Climate Change in Urban Asia
Jiat-Hwee Chang, associate professor, National University of Singapore
zoom link
lecture in English with English subtitles
Tuesday 10 mai
Contrôler le Sahara. Les racines coloniales de l’architecture bioclimatique
Paul Bouet, PhD candidate and lecturer, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est, Université Gustave Eiffel
zoom link

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@ Easter Sunday at Pilgrim Baptist Church (c.1941), photo by Lee Russell (courtesy of Library of Congress)

@ Easter Sunday at Pilgrim Baptist Church (c.1941), photo by Lee Russell (courtesy of Library of Congress)

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