Conférence de Charles L. Davis II
The Nature of Organic Nationalism: A Revisionist History of Euro-American Architecture Theory
mardi 01 mars 2022à 13:00
Cycle de conférences
Charles L. Davis II is an associate professor of architectural history and criticism at the University at Buffalo.
Cette conférence examinera comment la racialisation sous-tend l'organicisme en architecture au XIXe siècle en France et en Allemagne, à travers l’analyse des concepts corporels de caractère, de physionomie et de type. Elle considérera l’œuvre de Viollet-le-Duc, Gottfried Semper et Louis Sullivan comme cas d’études pour reconstituer les leçons que les architectes modernes ont tiré de leur approche de l’anthropologie raciale, depuis l’Europe de l’Ouest jusqu’aux États-Unis.
Charles L. Davis II is an associate professor of architectural history and criticism at the University at Buffalo. He received his PhD in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and has an M.Arch and B.P.S. from the University at Buffalo. His academic research excavates the role of racial identity and race thinking in architectural history and contemporary design culture. Charles is co-editor of Race and Modern Architecture (University of Pittsburgh, 2020), which collects 18 case studies on the racial discourses of modern architecture from the Enlightenment to the present. His book manuscript, Building Character: The Racial Politics of Modern Architectural Style (University of Pittsburgh, 2019) traces the historical integrations of race and style theory in paradigms of “architectural organicism,” or movements that modeled design on the generative principles of nature.
Conférence en anglais sous-titrée anglais