International applicants
International applicants from outside the European Union who do not hold a French higher education diploma and who wish to study at the school must follow a specific procedure depending on their place of residence (in France, in the European Union or outside the European Union).
For all applicants, please note:
French language requirements at the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires :
International applicants must provide proof of their level of French, either :
- The Diplôme d'Études de Langue Française (DELF), level B2 ;
- The Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF), level C1;
- Or the Test de Connaissance en Français (TCF) DAP (overall score greater than or equal to 420 and greater than or equal to 12/20 - written and oral).
For 2025/2026, the timetable is as follows:
Registration opens: October 7, 2024
Application deadline: December 15, 2024
Deadline for institutional decisions: April 30, 2025
Student decision deadline: May 31, 2025
Please refer to the procedure indicated for your situation.
You live in France You are applying for
You are applying for a 1st year of study at a school of architecture (licence 1):
- You have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent: you go through the procedure Parcoursup
- If you do not have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent: you go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - blue file.
You are applying for a Licence 2, 3 or Master 1:
- You do not hold a French higher education diploma: you go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - blue file.
- If you hold a French higher education diploma relevant to architectural studies: you must go through the validation d'acquis procedure.
If you live in the European Union
You are applying for a 1st year of studies at a school of architecture (licence 1):
- You have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent: you go through the procedure Parcoursup
- If you do not have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent: you go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - yellow file.
You are applying for a Licence 2, 3 or Master 1:
You go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - yellow file
You live outside the European Union You are applying for a
You are applying for 1st year studies at a school of architecture (Licence 1):
- You have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent and your country is involved in the Études en France program: you go through the Parcoursup procedure and follow the Études en France procedure at the same time.
- If you do not have a French baccalaureate or European equivalent, and your country is not involved in the Études en France program: you go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure - yellow file.
You are applying for a Licence 2, 3 or Master 1 degree:
- If your country is part of the Etudes en France program: you go through the Etudes en France procedure and follow the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure at the same time - yellow file.
- If your country is not involved in the study program in France: you go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) procedure.
Links to the different application procedures:
Applicants for the first year of a bachelor's degree, who have or are in the process of obtaining the baccalauréat or European equivalent Parcoursup
Yellow file - Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) (French only)
International applicants who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union or of a state belonging to the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, and who reside abroad and hold or are in the process of obtaining international diplomas.
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Please note that if you live in a country covered by the "études en France" procedure, you must also go through la procédure études en France
Blue file: Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) :
International applicants, holding or in the process of obtaining foreign diplomas, who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union or of a member state of the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation, residing in France, applying for a first enrolment in an ENSA.
You'll need to download and complete the DAP blue file form, and at the same time create a candidate space on Taïga, the external admissions portal of the Écoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture.
Notice to candidates : Note_candidats_DAP_2024_2025_VF.pdf []