Maria Shéhérazade Giudici
fondatrice de la plateforme BLACK SQUARE
The Opaque Image
à 13:00
There has never been a more contradictory time for the architectural image than today: all-powerful as symbolic capital, and yet marginal in design processes that are increasingly based on algorithmic logic, images occupy a fragile position. Arguably, their role as commodities has superseded their connection to architectural experimentation. The Opaque Image is a provisional hypothesis on the possibility to produce and use images otherwise: not as representation, but as devices for questioning. Departing from the work of publishing and educational platform Black Square and its collaboration with the Architectural Association and collectives Dogma and CAMPO, the talk explores design investigations in which images become the instrument to challenge the very premises of the project itself.
Maria Shéhérazade Giudici is the editor of AA Files and the founder of Black Square, a collective engaged in research-by-design since 2014. Maria heads the History and Theory course at the School of Architecture of the Royal College of Art and the PhD Programme at the Architectural Association, London. Most recently, Black Square’s work has been exhibited at the FRAC-Orléans, Versailles Landscape Biennial, Rabat Art Biennial, and the Seoul Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.
Conférence donnée dans le cadre du cycle de Leçons du mardi "Production / Reproduction, Formes et médiation de l’imaginaire architectural" coordonné par l’équipe pédagogique du champ Représentation : Mariabruna Fabrizi, architecte et éditrice (Socks), Guillaume Grall, graphiste et éditeur (Building Books), Sandrine Marc, artiste, photographe et designer graphique, et Giaime Meloni, chercheur et photographe.
Conférence en anglais
Découvrez tous les invités du cycle de Leçons du mardi "Production / Reproduction, Formes et médiation de l’imaginaire architectural"
@ Christian Knörr