École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Maria Conen, professeur ETH Zurich

making rooms - making spaces

Thursday 20 April 2023
à 13:00

Architecture is about designing and thinking of the whole visible world – the space: from the immense natural space down to the tiny space of a piece of furniture. From this perspective, architecture is about the built space. However, it also has to take into account a more abstract space including a social space. Therefore, every architectural intervention is always connected to a social vision and an idea of the living together.
For as long as humans have been existing, built spaces have been the protected place where social and cultural life could unfold. What does this mean for making rooms and spaces? What are the threshold spaces between public and private – between inside and outside? How are they formulated and designed? How is it reflected in a plan?

Maria Conen studied architecture at EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich. In 2011 she founded Conen Sigl Architekt:innen with Raoul Sigl. The office won several prizes in competitions and the Swiss Art Award in Architecture. Working with existing structures is a key focus and main interest in their work. They deal with a wide range of building tasks – as a fire station, a cooperative housing, a church community hall. Since 2022 she is a professor at the ETH Zurich.

Conférence donnée dans le cadre du cycle de Leçons du mardi "Production / Reproduction, Formes et médiation de l’imaginaire architectural" coordonné par l’équipe pédagogique du champ Représentation : Mariabruna Fabrizi, architecte et éditrice (Socks), Guillaume Grall, graphiste et éditeur (Building Books), Sandrine Marc, artiste, photographe et designer graphique, et Giaime Meloni, chercheur et photographe.

Conférence en anglais

Découvrez tous les invités du cycle de Leçons du mardi "Production / Reproduction, Formes et médiation de l’imaginaire architectural"

@ Christian Knörr

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