Ido Avissar
Born in 1972, Ido Avissar is an architect, urban designer and Dr. in Architecture. From 2003 to 2009, he was project manager at the architecture and urban design firm AUC for, among others, the project on Greater Paris, Lille-Fives, and the planification of a new city for 30, 000 inhabitants on Reunion Island. From 2009 to 2012, he was founding partner of the firm GRAU. In 2012, Ido Avissar created the firm LIST where he developed an approach which harmonized professional practice with research and aimed at being positioned interdisciplinarily among the fields of architecture, urban design, landscape design and planning rather than staying simply within the boundaries of each one.
The firm’s projects fall within the scale of regions, territories (Master plan for Flanders—BRV and at the metropolitan scale (ZAC 2 Rives, Strasbourg); they are as often in architecture (Frans Masereel Art Center, Kasterlee) as in landscape design (Metropolitan Landscapes, Brussels), and are both prospective (Misunderstandings, FRAC Center) and operational (Sports Park, Genk).
After a period of research, notably during the international research and development consultation for the Greater Paris project that he led with AUC, and during his participation in activities ranging from the research laboratory reMAP [Research, Metropoles, Architecture, Policies] to LéaV [Research Laboratory at the National Architecture School of Versailles], in 2018, Ido Avissar was awarded his Ph.D. thesis in architecture: « Intensities of Neutral » (les intensités du neutre).
Ido Avissar has equally published numerous articles through which he focuses on exploring spatial, societal, and territorial questions, investigations which are equally present in the project themes he works on and in his teaching.
Professor at Berlage Institute in the Netherlands, and associate lecturer, then full professor from 2014 - 2019 at the National School of Architecture at Versailles, in September 2019, Ido Avissar became head of a new Masters program called « Fragments » at The School of Architecture, Cities, and Regions East-Paris (l’École d’architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est).
- Enseigne en Licence – Champ Territoire (S5)
- Enseigne en Master – Responsable de la filière Fragments (S8)
- Enseigne en Master – Responsable de la filière Projet (S9)
- Enseigne en Master – Responsable de la filière Projet (S10)
- Membre de l’équipe de recherche
Activité de praticien
- Architecte fondateur de l'agence LIST
- Fade to Gray, in revue Accatone #5, 2018
- 1966, in revue San Rocco #14, 2018
- Notes sur l'infirmité, in revue Fabrica #9, 2016
- Tranquillity in Disorder, in revue San Rocco #10, 2014.
- Les grandes machines sportives dans la ville, de la Porosité de certaines limites, in Sports, Portrait d’une Métropole (Pavillon de l’Arsenal), 2014
- Green is the colour, in livre Baukuh : l’Année Dernière, 2014
- Degré zéro, in revue San Rocco #8, 2013
- Urban Chaos and Neutral Porsture, in Urbanism After Urbanism, 7th U&U International PhD Seminar, Urbanism & Urbanisation, 2013
- OMU-OMA, co-écrit avec Freek Persyn, in revue San Rocco #7, 2012
- Things Fall Apart, in revue San Rocco #7, 2012
- Grey Weather, Blue Skies, co-écrit avec GRAU, in catalogue de la Biennale Internationale d’Architecture de Rotterdam, 2011
- Gare d'Auteuil,in le livre 51N4E, Double or Nothing, 2010
- 1100 Palm Trees, in revue San Rocco #1, 2010
- Halmag, in catalogue de Agora 2010, 2009